Remember Goldilocks? Of course you do. She was the charming young interior decorator who couldn’t seem to satisfy her desire to experience home designs of all varieties. She spent her childhood slipping herself through open windows so that she could admire her neighbors’ tableware, living room furniture, and bedroom arrangements.
Her truly professional nature was evident in the fact that she could appreciate any style while maintaining her own personal preferences. For Goldilocks, the best interior design was neither too formal nor too cold, and never too fussy. She delighted in gorgeous detail of classical elements but relished the harmony of a streamlined, contemporary aesthetic. Yes, Goldilocks was a devotee of Transitional interior styles, especially when paired with a flare of elegance and fashion.
And Goldilocks would adore this Transitional Chic living room that Havenly designer Amy F. put together with Cori S.
Initial Concept

Amy’s first concept for the room incorporated Cori’s appreciation for clean-looking textures and transitional patterns. A neutral palette with subdued accents played well with warm wood finishes.
Final Concept
Having narrowed down some stylistic choices, the room was quickly coming together – and with an delightful amount of function style! Together, Cori and Amy decided to swap out the white barn doors for a more natural finish, add a storage-savvy ottoman, and double-down on the artwork. You’ll also notice the sleek lines of a more modern sofa and a star looped gray and ivory rug.
Room Rendering
And voilà, with a little help from a free style survey, inspirational images and products shared by Cori, expert design guidance from Amy, and back-and-forth design discussions – the room’s bold new look came together!
But there’s one final step in the process: sit back, relax, and soak in the style.
Stylish and comfortable spaces like this Transitional Chic living room don’t have to live only in your dreams and web browser. You’re only a quick survey away from designing your own take-my-breath-away space.